Mau Shared Mau Berbagi sebuah software manarik untuk dicoba. bagi anda yang memiliki file document berupa (Word, Doc, DocX, DocM, RTF, RVF, atau TXT) mau dikonversi kedalam bentuk HTML, PDF, XLS, JPG, TIFF, and text. Software ini sangat cocok untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
 dengan tampilan yang sederhana sehingga penggunaannya sangat mudah dengan mencari file document yang akan dikonversi kemudian tinggal memilih mau dikonversi dalam bentuk apa yang anda inginkan. 

kelebihan software ini adalah:
  • doc converter Total Doc Converter supports DocX (the format of Word 2007 documents). Having installed this free Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack you can convert DocX files to HTML, PDF, XLS, JPG, TIFF, TXT with Total Doc Converter.
  • pdf converterPreview Option. Every document is displayed in Preview panel. You can zoom it in/out or view the document full-sized. Use preview option to quickly find the right file.
  • With Total Doc Converter you can encrypt the final PDF files. Set owner/user passwords and user permissions.
  • When you convert DOC to JPEG you can define the quality of the output image. The better quality value leads to a larger file size.
  • Total Doc Converter converts Doc to PDF and allows you to add a digital signature to the final document.
  • Total Doc Converter supports several types of compression for TIFF. Check any from the list. If you are at a loss the program will automatically choose the best value. 
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Link Download 7.55 Mb:
Setup and Key | CoolUtils Total Doc Converter 2.2.202 Multilingual